This web site contains links/references to third-party web sites and locations. Links to other web sites are provided to our web site users merely for convenience. Great Northern Veterinary Center does not accept any responsibility for the availability, usability, or any liability for damage or injury resulting from the use of such contents, in whatever form. 
Pet Poison
     ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center  888-426-4435
     Pet Poison Hotline 800-213-6680
    Pets      Looking for pet friendly travel services and locations?    
    The Cedar Bed Inn - 363 Blacktail Road Lakeside 406-844-DOGS
    Lost Creek Kennel - 1575 Trumble Creek Rd Kalispell 406-755-0812
Animal Welfare and Placement
Mission Valley Animal Shelter  406-883-5312

 Mission Valley Animal Shelter Homepage

Lifesavers Animal Rescue -
Montana Pets on the Net -
Great Northern Veterinary Center 100 Bierney Creek Road Lakeside MT 59922  406-844-2888